Frequently Asked Question

14 - How can I associate the manipulation of a load to a fragment of the video?
Last Updated 4 months ago

Definition of Load Handled in a Range of Frames:

Similar to manual posture correction, it is also possible to define the load handled over a range of frames. This is useful for situations where the load being manipulated remains constant or follows a predictable pattern over several frames.


Description of the tool:

  1. From (set start): Indicate the first frame of the video fragment to be modified manually.

  2. To (set end): Indicate the last frame of the video fragment to be modified manually.

  3. Manually select the load to be modified. For example, during a fragment of the video, but you know that the worker is handling a load of 10kg, you should select this option in the LOAD table to apply the same load level to the indicated video fragment.

  4. Apply: Apply the changes to the valuation.

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