Frequently Asked Question

01- How can I update FallSkip software?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Software updates may be published that you can download (if they are compatible with your device).

To do this, you must connect to the Internet through a WiFi network. From the device boot screen, press the WiFi Center icon. The WiFi Center screen will appear. Connect to your Wifi network. Press the “Back” button to return to the configuration screen.

Once connected, the device will search for software updates and, if one is available, it will be installed automatically.

The Fallskip application may not update immediately, as it depends on the availability of the update service.

The update will be completed when the device enters "sleep mode", to do this, the device must be left ON, charging the battery and connected to the WiFi network while updating and installing the software.



We recommend you periodically connect to your Wi-Fi network to check if there are new updates compatible with your device, to use the current version of the software with the latest improvements implemented.

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