Frequently Asked Question

ER2 - Postures [RULA] – What is the difference between the scope of application of this module and that of the Postures [OWAS] module?
Last Updated 3 months ago

Both modules are used to assess tasks involving awkward postures.

The Postures [OWAS] module analyzes more postures, but with fewer details than the Postures [RULA] module:

  • Postures [OWAS] analyzes the risk of a random sampling of working postures, whereas Postures [RULA] analyzes the most frequent and/or arduous postures.
  • InPostures [OWAS], each posture analyzed considers the position of the back, arms and legs, and the force exerted. Postures [RULA], analyzes for each posture the position of arms, forearms, wrists, trunk, neck and legs, force/load and muscle activity.

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